
After Fostercare & Divorce

Advocating for children is a must with legal protection and timeless research. Research compiling what happens to children in foster care and the effects of emotional disruption. There are safe spaces to address foster parents and foster children. This space addresses parents abuse from courts and legislative systems and where to seek help in safe spaces.

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Amazon Books

From the Globe & Mail Bestsellers list and international top 20 books: we've got a great list. For years, my career has addressed varying sides of parent-child disruptions and advocating for "parent-safe spaces". There is a growing audience for publishing co. and authors disputing royalties: we are moving from Amazon, so be sure to request listing: We have over 200 distributors and deliver within 12 days. So, to bring you the latest and best content.... go through us!

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Expressing Emotion During Conflict

Stressful experiences come in many forms, such as a demanding job, a chronic disease, or an argument with a loved one. It can evoke a range of intense emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, guilt, and confusion. These emotions are often magnified due to the intricacies of disentangling shared lives and navigating new beginnings and the affective behaviors of your responses in parenting.

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Disappointment In Child Outcomes: Who They We're Supposed To Become

The study, published in the journal Psych neuroendocrinology, found that interactions with adult children who had physical or emotional problems had more immediate, same-day associations with cortisol whereas interactions with adult children with lifestyle or behavioral problems resulted in more delayed, or next day, associations,” Compiling this my increase guilt of past parent-child separation.

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Family Ties the Eco System Child Trauma & Abuse

Families are made up of different relationships and emotional connections within those relationships. Within a family system, the bonds between family members affect children's emotional development. What is an enmeshed family? Enmeshment is a trait of family dysfunction that involves poorly defined or nonexistent boundaries and unhealthy relationship patterns Learn words, touch, and create safe spaces; especially when you are NOT primary custodial. And it's common for people who are in enmeshed relationships to experience mental health issues.

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Leaving The Narcissist Behind: Forever

Abusers take advantage of the court's shortcomings and will use it as an opportunity to keep controlling their victims. They'll use every trick up their sleeve to make their victim look hysterical, according to psychologist Perpetua Neo, and those who particularly enjoy the experience are often abusive narcissists. And you may have struggled with all kinds of mental health issues after being with them: they bring it to court making you look fragile, broken, incapable parent... and the courts eat this up!! These tactics have devastating losses for your children and you.

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Parental Stress Weak Emotional Bonding & Effective Communication With Children

This is a safe and honest space for parents. This course regards. This topic regards hidden fears, secrets, and weak emotional bonding. So usually a parent’s response is: "don't talk, don't trust, don't feel". All the while; to thrive. emotionally you need to feel safe. Addressing weakness in communication effectively and emotional confusion in safe spaces goes a long way.

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New Approaches & Mental Wellness

When a challenge comes up for you, you probably have a handful of go-to strategies to help you deal with it. Even if your approach varies slightly from problem to problem, you probably manage most difficulties in similar ways. When dealing with parenting and abusive exes- and compiling your mental health problems (which is understandable) it is inevitably difficult. Your triggers compile and the tactics exes use do as well.

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Motives for weaponizing punitive institutional policies and protocols mirror driving forces of narcissistic abuse.

As if the abusive marriage, relationship, or business partnership wasn’t bad enough, the narcissist has to escalate the matter by threatening legal action. The legal system becomes an unknowing and unwilling extension of the narcissistic arm reaching out to cause as much damage as possible. Their take no prisoners attitude stops at nothing to seek revenge for causing pain over some perceived embarrassment.

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Weapons of War: Narcissistic Retaliatiation, Lack of Empathy and Crimilized Acts

The primary motive of those who narc-supportive laws of engagement is to disempower and silence victims—to make them feel afraid, alienated, and ashamed. It is estimated that only about 1% of the population has diagnosable clinical narcissistic personality disorder. However, that doesn't mean those without a diagnosis may not engage in some form of narcissistic abuse or illegal behavior. Yet; most of their home actions are criminal and go reported don’t result in the arrest, charging and prosecution of a suspect

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In Favor of The Narcissistic Parent: It Happens All The Time

Now, your kids are subjected to the smear campaign against you, and you find it is working. It is enough to make you either curl up in the fetal position and give up or rage with anger. You've watched your narcissist manage to convince joint friends and other community members that you are the crazy one and he/she is the victim, by his/her masterful manipulation strategies. People are hoodwinked. Your good name is slandered. You feel alone, humiliated, discouraged, disheartened, and vengeful.

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Why Would Anyone Go After the Good Parent

Why would anyone go after the good guy? The simple but sad answer: because they can. State and federal immunity protections are inadequate, lack uniformity, and are often unenforced. Retaliation may occur to protect the brand/reputation of an institution or powerful individual; to prevent lawsuits against government agencies; to discredit or silence the MR involved in custody disputes and child maltreatment court cases; to obtain monetary damages; and to invalidate a child's abuse allegations against an alleged abuser.

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Dr. Rachel Levitch

A new research study published in a recent issue of Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy provides a systematic look at how child loss can affect older adults. We work with these parents on the ground and in the trenches.

Parental Consulting

Still, the trauma associated with losing a child, whether to violence, disease, state custody or divorce, can certainly lead to devastating physical and mental health issues. In dealing with this loss, it is increasingly important to recognize the impact it can have on health and overall quality of life.

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