Motives for weaponizing

If you are in the process of divorcing a narcissist or are thinking about divorcing a narcissist, you are definitely going to want to prepare yourself for the ways in which they weaponize the court system. Narcissists will mainly use, what we call a smear campaign, as a part of their plan to take you down.

As if the abusive marriage, relationship or business partnership wasnt bad enough, the narcissist has to escalate the matter by threatening legal action. The legal system becomes an unknowing and unwilling extension of the narcissistic arm reaching out to cause as much damage as possible. Their take no prisoners attitude stops at nothing to seek revenge for causing pain over some perceived embarrassment.

Moment for Parents:

One of the greatest traumas imaginable is when parents have to deal with the separation of a child. Mostly by divorce or the state legislature. Producing greater stress than dealing with the relationship-loss of a parent or spouse, a child’s absense is especially traumatic because it is often unexpected; it is also in violation of the "usual" order of things, in which the child is expected to "flock" away from the parent and start college: a profession, area of study or just their own household.

The new nucular American home has moments of fear for parents. And for those that have been through it; you know. The trauma associated with losing a child, whether to violence, disease,state custody or divorce, can certainly lead to devastating physical and mental health issues. In dealing with this loss, it is increasingly important to recognize the impact it can have on health and overall quality of life.[got a promo code? Email Us. Happy to ablidge!] read our terms before purchase

Dr. Rachel Levitch

A new research study published in a recent issue of Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy provides a systematic look at how child loss can affect older adults. We work with these parents on the ground and in the trenches.

Parental Consulting

Still, the trauma associated with losing a child, whether to violence, disease, state custody or divorce, can certainly lead to devastating physical and mental health issues. In dealing with this loss, it is increasingly important to recognize the impact it can have on health and overall quality of life.

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